Advanced Quiz #2
Advanced Quiz #2
Our second advanced quiz presents some species that have more limited distribution across the United States.
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Question 1 |
A | Veery Hint: Veery is much more reddish overall than this grayish-brown bird. |
B | Gray-cheeked Thrush Hint: Yes. The moderately spotted breast, gray cheek and lack of a clear eye-ring point to Gray-cheeked Thrush. |
C | Clay-colored Robin Hint: Clay-colored Robin does not have spots on its breast. |
D | Swainson's Thrush Hint: Swainson's Thrush has a clear eye-ring lacking here. |
E | Hermit Thrush Hint: Hermit Thrush has a noticeably reddish tail distinct from the color on its back. |
Question 2 |
A | Eastern Phoebe Hint: Eastern Phoebe has a uniform dusky chest and belly. |
B | Eastern Wood-Pewee Hint: Eastern Wood-Pewee has a uniform dusky chest and belly. |
C | Eastern Kingbird Hint: Eastern Kingbird has a clean white belly and black back |
D | Olive-sided Flycatcher Hint: Yes. Often perched high on naked snags, the dark vest of the Olive-sided Flycatcher surrounding its white belly is diagnostic. |
E | Western Kingbird Hint: Western Kingbird has a yellow belly. |
Question 3 |
A | Acorn Woodpecker Hint: Yes. That yellow eye surrounded in a sea of black is the big clue of this mostly western bird. |
B | Williamson's Sapsucker Hint: Williamson's Sapsucker is also mostly black with a white wing bar, but Williamson's has a broader wing bar, and its facial pattern is completely different. |
C | Lewis's Woodpecker Hint: Lewis's Woodpecker has a dark greenish back and red face. |
D | Black-backed Woodpecker Hint: Although this bird has a black back, the Black-backed Woodpecker has a mostly black face and horizontal stripes on the belly, not vertical streaks.. |
E | Gila Woodpecker Hint: Gila Woodpecker has an tawny brown head and nape and a barred black-and-white back. |
Question 4 |
A | Dovekie Hint: Yes. The short stubby bill and black neck band are typical of the diminutive Dovekie. |
B | Marbled Murrelet Hint: Marbled Murrelet does not have an all-black back, and its bill is short but much thicker. |
C | Razorbill Hint: Razorbill has a much larger bill with a white line through it. |
D | Pigeon Guillemot Hint: Pigeon Guillemot lacks that black-and-white facial pattern of this bird and has a pointier bill. |
E | Common Murre Hint: The bill of Common Murre is much longer and narrower. |
Question 5 |
A | Ruddy Turnstone Hint: Ruddy Turnstone is lighter above, with a rounded dark breast patch. |
B | Purple Sandpiper Hint: Purple Sandpiper has a longer drooping bill, lacks the clear white underside, and is not as darkly plumaged above. |
C | Black Turnstone Hint: Yes. Black Turnstone is an overall dark shorebird with a relatively short bill. |
D | Wandering Tattler Hint: Wandering Tattler has a much longer and narrower bill, and is overall light gray with yellow legs. |
E | Surfbird Hint: Surfbird has yellow legs, lighter plumage, and an orange-and-black bill. |
Question 6 |
A | Orange-crowned Warbler Hint: Orange-crowned Warbler does not have the black-and-white facial pattern seen here. |
B | Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Hint: Blue-gray Gnatcatcher has a plain face and long tail. |
C | Bushtit Hint: Bushtit has a plain face and long tail. |
D | Ruby-crowned Kinglet Hint: Ruby-crowned Kinglet has a plain face with an eye ring. |
E | Golden-crowned Kinglet Hint: Yes. The crown with its black border is barely visible, but the tiny bill, black-and-white facial pattern, and yellow on the primaries indicate Golden-crowned Kinglet. |
Question 7 |
A | Connecticut Warbler Hint: The gray hood on a Connecticut Warbler extends much further down to its breast. |
B | Virginia's Warbler Hint: Virginia's Warbler has a gray head and bold eye ring, but lacks the extensive yellow underside of this bird. |
C | Nashville Warbler Hint: Well done. The yellow undersides, gray head, and bold white eye ring are indicative of Nashville Warbler |
D | Canada Warbler Hint: Canada Warbler has yellow undersides, but has a yellow eye ring, a darker gray head, and a distinctive black 'necklace' on its breast. |
E | Yellow-throated Vireo Hint: Yellow-throated Vireo has white belly and vent and has a yellowish head. |
Question 8 |
A | Clark's Grebe Hint: Clark's Grebe has a much longer bill that is yellow |
B | Western Grebe Hint: Western Grebe has a much longer bill that is yellow |
C | Horned Grebe Hint: Yes. The short pointed bill indicates grebe, and the black head and white cheek is indicative of Horned Grebe. |
D | Red-throated Loon Hint: Red-throated Loon has thinner needle-like bill. |
E | Eared Grebe Hint: Eared Grebe has a black cap, but a gray cheek. |
Question 9 |
A | House Sparrow Hint: House Sparrow has a black bib, but does not have nay yellow on its breast or belly. |
B | Bobolink Hint: No. Male Bobolink is mostly black and the female lacks the black bib. |
C | Dickcissel Hint: Yes. Dickcissel has the black bib on a yellow breast. |
D | Eastern Meadowlark Hint: Eastern Meadowlark has the black bib and yellow belly, but with a pointier bill and streaks on the side of its breast. |
Question 10 |
A | Northern Mockingbird Hint: Northern Mockingbird has gray wings with white wing bars. |
B | Gray Jay Hint: Gray Jay has a much smaller bill, and has no black on the wings. |
C | Black-billed Magpie Hint: Black-billed Magpie has an all-black head and extremely long tail. |
D | Northern Shrike Hint: Northern Shrike has a gray body and black wings, but has a black face mask and a smaller bill. |
E | Clark's Nutcracker Hint: Yes. Clark's Nutcracker has an all-gray body and black wings with an oversized bill. |
Question 11 |
A | Whimbrel Hint: Correct. The long decurved bill can only be on a curlew or Whimbrel, but Curlew bills are longer than the one seen here. |
B | Long-billed Dowitcher Hint: Long-billed Dowitcher has a long, but straight bill. |
C | Long-billed Curlew Hint: The bill of Long-billed Curlew is actually longer than the one on this bird (!). |
D | Marbled Godwit Hint: Marbled Godwit has a long upturned bill. |
E | Willet Hint: Willet has a long, but straight bill. |
Question 12 |
A | Orchard Oriole Hint: Orchard Oriole is never this yellow, and the black throat patch is not as extensive as seen in this bird. |
B | Scott's Oriole Hint: Well done. Scott's Oriole has a bright yellow body with a black head and breast. |
C | Bullock's Oriole Hint: Bullock's Oriole is never this yellow, and the black throat patch is not as extensive as seen in this bird. |
D | Hooded Oriole Hint: Female Hooded Oriole has a yellow body and head, but lacks the extensive black on its head and breast. |
E | Audubon's Oriole Hint: Audubon's Oriole also has a bright yellow body with a black face and neck, but the black doesn't go as far down as in this bird. |
Question 13 |
A | Golden-fronted Woodpecker Hint: Golden-fronted Woodpecker has a yellowish nape on back of a brown head. |
B | Northern Flicker Hint: Northern Flicker has a brown back with black stripes and a gray nape. |
C | Gila Woodpecker Hint: Well done! Gila Woodpecker has an all-brown head and black-and-white striped back. |
D | Ladder-backed Woodpecker Hint: Ladder-backed Woodpecker has a black-and-white striped back, but a black-and-white face too. |
E | Red-bellied Woodpecker Hint: Red-bellied Woodpecker has a red nape on back of a brown head. |
Question 14 |
A | Lincoln's Sparrow Hint: Lincoln's Sparrow has streaks, but on a buffy breast. |
B | Fox Sparrow Hint: The streaks on a Fox Sparrow are larger and rusty in color. |
C | Lark Sparrow Hint: No. Lark Sparrow has a more prominently marked facial pattern. |
D | Song Sparrow Hint: Song Sparrow is also streaked but lacks the yellow patch by the eye. |
E | Savannah Sparrow Hint: Yes. The yellow patch by the eye and the streaked breast are typical of a Savannah Sparrow. |
Question 15 |
A | Swamp Sparrow Hint: Yes. the dark gray cheek and face with the black eye stripe and rusty crown point to Swamp Sparrow. |
B | Chipping Sparrow Hint: Chipping Sparrow has a gray face, but with a white supercilium and white wing bars. |
C | Lincoln's Sparrow Hint: Lincoln's Sparrow has a buffy breast with fine black streaks. |
D | Field Sparrow Hint: Field Sparrow does not have black on the face, and has a noticeably pink bill. |
E | Rufous-crowned Sparrow Hint: Rufous-crowned Sparrow has a gray breast and a white malar stripe. |
Question 16 |
A | Boreal Chickadee Hint: Yes. The brown cap distinguishes Boreal Chickadee from the others. |
B | Mexican Chickadee Hint: Mexican Chickadee has a black cap. |
C | Mountain Chickadee Hint: Mountain Chickadee has a black cap and black eye stripe. |
D | Chestnut-backed Chickadee Hint: Chestnut-backed Chickadee has a black cap. |
E | Carolina Chickadee Hint: Carolina Chickadee has a black cap. |
Question 17 |
A | Pectoral Sandpiper Hint: Yes. The distinct border between the streaked breast and white belly is typical for Pectoral Sandpiper. |
B | Lesser Yellowlegs Hint: Although this bird has yellow legs, Lesser Yellowlegs has a much longer thinner bill. |
C | Solitary Sandpiper Hint: Solitary Sandpiper has darker back with small white spots. |
D | Upland Sandpiper Hint: Upland Sandpiper has a small head and thin neck, and lacks the dense breast pattern. |
E | Greater Yellowlegs Hint: Although this bird has yellow legs, Greater Yellowlegs has a much longer thinner bill. |
Question 18 |
A | Pinyon Jay Hint: The fairly uniform blue coloring is similar to this bird, but Pinyon Jay has a larger bill. |
B | Mountain Bluebird Hint: Yes. Mountain Bluebird...a nearly uniform blue coloring with a hint of white near the vent. |
C | Eastern Bluebird Hint: Eastern Bluebird has an orange throat. |
D | Indigo Bunting Hint: Indigo Bunting also is uniform blue, but a bit darker, and the bill is not a short bunting-type bill. |
E | Western Bluebird Hint: Western Bluebird has an orange chest. |
Question 19 |
A | Lesser Yellowlegs Hint: Lesser Yellowlegs is not as dark as this bird and looks more delicate. |
B | Solitary Sandpiper Hint: The mostly dark pattern with small white spots and the obvious eye-ring are indicative of Solitary Sandpiper. |
C | Spotted Sandpiper Hint: Spotted Sandpiper has shorter legs and has a more heavily spotted belly. |
D | Greater Yellowlegs Hint: Greater Yellowlegs is not as dark as this bird and has a longer bill. |
E | Willet Hint: Willet is a much grayer bird than this one and does not have the obvious eye ring. |
Question 20 |
A | Wilson's Plover Hint: Wilson's Plover has a darker back and a longer black bill. |
B | Piping Plover Hint: Yes. Piping Plover is a small pale bird with a single black breast band and an orange-and-black bill and yellow legs. |
C | Semipalmated Plover Hint: Semipalmated Plover has a similar bill and breast band, but has a darker brown back |
D | Snowy Plover Hint: Snowy Plover is similarly pale, but has a black bill and gray legs. |
E | Killdeer Hint: Killdeer has a darker back and two black breastbands. |
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