Nov 032020

Oh geez, as if fall warblers aren’t hard enough.

As we get more experience, we find that we don’t need to see the entire bird. This is a good example. What is it?
Click on the photo for a larger image or click HERE to see the entire bird.

Click here for the answer.

 Posted by at 5:02 PM
Jun 292018

Have you noticed that most bird species have English names that consist of two words (for example, Yellow Warbler), some have three words (Lesser Black-backed Gull), and some have names that consists of only one word (for example, Osprey). Today’s question is this: How many bird species that we see regularly in NJ have English names consisting of only one word? I found twenty of them. For bonus points, there are six other one-word species that have appeared in NJ, but don’t appear here every year.

Take your time, think about it, write down all your answers, and in a day or so you can look at the entire list by clicking here.

Osprey with fish copy

Osprey, one of the twenty annual NJ bird species that consists of a single word.

 Posted by at 3:25 PM
Nov 222017

Photo contributed by Vicky Mcerlean.

What bird species do you see here?
More specifically, let’s focus on the dark bird. What is it?

Click on the photo for a larger image.

Click here for the answer.

 Posted by at 8:14 AM
Sep 302017

juvie quiz birdThis bird was found by my nephew after a storm in Florida.
Can you identify what it is?

Click on the photo for a larger image, and click here for the answer.

 Posted by at 9:09 PM
Dec 222016
Rye NY

New York, December

A raptor in flight. But what is it?
If you need another clue, we have a bonus photo to help you here.
If you already know what it is, then click here for the answer.

 Posted by at 10:03 PM
Sep 242016

shorebird-groupHere’s the kind of shoreline that birders love to see in August.
How many bird species are in this photo, and what are they?

Click on the photo for a larger image.

Click here for the answer.

 Posted by at 8:01 PM
Mar 042016

Four large birds perched on some metal structure in the distance. Can you identify them?
Click on the photo for a larger image.
Click here for the answer.

 Posted by at 3:17 PM