Dec 132017

The NJ Bird Records Committee met recently and today announced their decisions on rarities that were submitted for review during the first half of 2017. The most noteworthy result from this report is that Little Egret was accepted as the 479th species sighted in New Jersey. That makes me happy, because Jeanine and I had a role in that story. The short version is that a Little Egret was originally found by Cameron Cox at Heislerville WMA on April 27, but it appeared to be a classic one-day wonder despite extensive searching. Seven days later, on May 4, we were birding at Heislerville, and when we parked the car on the dike, the same Little Egret was feeding in the channel right next to us! So we had the honor of re-finding that bird, which stayed around for three more days for others to enjoy. Yay. (click here for a longer version)

I anticipated that there would be questions about this bird because of the presence of several blue patches that might be interpreted as it being a hybrid, perhaps with a Western Reef-heron. However, the pattern of the blue spots was judged not to be typical of a hybrid trait, but more likely due to environmental contamination or some other factor. One committee member noted other species that occasionally show dark spots. After the discussion, the committee voted unanimously to accept the record and include Little Egret on the state list.

LIttet Egret

Little Egret. The long plumes on back of the head, the bluish lores, large black bill, and yellow feet are all Little Egret characteristics. Note however, the bluish-gray patches on the crown, ‘shoulder’, and the upper part of the long plumes that are not depicted in the field guides.

Twenty days later we spotted a group of nine Black-bellied Whistling-ducks in Cape May. The details are here.  This sighting also was accepted, making a super first half of the year for us. There is something very special about finding a rarity that needs to be documented. Finding two review species in one month was exceptional.

BB Whistling-Ducks

The nine Black-bellied Whistling-ducks that we found today in Cape May.

 Posted by at 12:31 PM
Nov 262017

Here in central New Jersey we have two celebrity banded birds that have repeatedly returned back to our area. An American Oystercatcher called T2 traveled from its winter home in Florida to Barnegat Lighthouse State Park to breed for at least eight years. You can read about him by clicking here. Our other famous migrant is a Tundra Swan called T207 who has wintered here for at least the past seven years.  Today we have an update on the T207 story. But first let’s start with a bit of background.

In November 2013 I became aware of a Tundra Swan with a neck collar that was seen at Whitesbog. Bill Elrick spotted this banded swan but was unable to identify the band number. I went back the next day and was able to read the band identification number through my scope and get documentation photos. After reporting the sighting and photo to the Bird Banding Lab (, I learned that this swan, T207, was banded about as far away as you can get from New Jersey and still be in North America. This female swan hatched in 2005 or earlier and was banded in July 2006 20 miles from Nuiqsut on the far north shore of Alaska, which is ~150 mi east of Barrow, and only ~8 miles from the Arctic Ocean (70.39306, -150.24361). This was the fourth time that this bird was re-sighted since she was banded, with all sightings being concentrated within a small region of New Jersey. In addition to our Nov. 2013 sighting at Whitesbog, she was spotted in Nov. 2011 near Forsythe NWR (38 miles from Whitesbog), in Nov. 2010 at Whitesbog, and the first sighting that I am aware of was by Bob Cunningham in Whitesbog in Nov. 2008. In other words, if we make the reasonable assumption that she is returning to the site in Alaska where she was hatched and banded, then she is traveling ~6,700 miles round-trip between Alaska and NJ each year!

T207 traveled at least 3,323 miles from her banding location in Alaska to her winter locations in New Jersey.

It’s 3,323 miles from T207’s banding location in Alaska to her winter locations in New Jersey.

Locations in New Jersey where Tundra Swan T207 has been sighted

Locations in New Jersey where Tundra Swan T207 has been sighted.

The wonderful thing about submitting a banded bird sighting is that you are drawn into learning more about that species. I learned that Tundra Swans that breed in Alaska travel southwards in either of two patterns. A population that breeds in western Alaska heads southwards towards British Columbia and then travels further south along the Pacific coast, primarily wintering in California, while a second population that breeds on the north shore of Alaska heads eastward from British Columbia, migrating across Canada and the Great Lakes region to the east coast of the US, with most wintering in the Chesapeake Bay region and the North Carolina coast. Tundra Swans are known to live up to 24 years in the wild, but average a 15-20-year lifespan.  T207 is part of this second population.

But would she survive and continue to return to our area? In both November 2014 and 2015 I found her in Reeve’s Bog ~5 miles away from Whitesbog (39.90260, -74.54057),  where she was spotted in 2008, 2010, and 2013. Somehow it shouldn’t be surprising that birds have the remarkable ability to travel more than 3,000 miles and then navigate back to the same location, but I’m still amazed. After all it’s 6,700 miles back and forth between here and Alaska, with all kinds of hazards. And if her navigation skills are off by just a little bit, she could end up in a lake just a few miles away and we might never notice her. Interestingly, during the winter of 2015 T207 was found in at least two other local lakes, so even though she returns faithfully to our area, she still moves around locally during the season. On Jan. 9, 2016 she was found in Bamber Lake (Ocean County) by Linda Woodfield, and on Jan. 17 she was found by Bob Cunningham again in Whitesbog.

T207 2015

A digiscoped photo of Tundra Swan T207, Nov. 25, 2015. Her ‘necklace’ is a bit worn and dirty, but it’s still good to see her.

In Dec. 2016 she was found back at her original NJ home of Whitesbog by Scott Fisher, and then Scott re-found her again at Reeve’s Bog on Dec. 21, continuing the pattern of moving around our area during the winter as the local lakes freeze and thaw.


T207 back in Whitesbog Dec. 2016. Found and photographed by Scott Fisher.

By now local birders are expecting her to show up each year around late November, and indeed today she was spotted at Whitesbog, making it five straight years that she returned to our area. If you’re in the area, stop by and say hello to our local bird celebrity.

Year      First sighting
2006   banded in July 2006 20 miles from Nuiqsut, Alaska
2006   sighted 8 October 2006, near Barber Lake, Saskatchewan.
2008   Whitesbog by Bob Cunningham
2010   Whitesbog by Steve Mattan
2011   Forsythe NWR
2013   Whitesbog  by Bill Elrick
2014   Reeve’s Bog by Greg Prelich
2015   Reeve’s Bog by Greg Prelich
2016   Whitesbog by Scott Fisher
2017   Whitesbog by Steve Mattan and Bernie Knaupp

 Posted by at 4:48 PM
Nov 242017
Fox Sparrow

Photo submitted by Jeanine Apgar

Here’s a rather smartly patterned bird. What is it?
Click on the photo for a larger image.

Click here for the answer

 Posted by at 6:51 PM
Nov 222017

Photo contributed by Vicky Mcerlean.

What bird species do you see here?
More specifically, let’s focus on the dark bird. What is it?

Click on the photo for a larger image.

Click here for the answer.

 Posted by at 8:14 AM
Oct 262017

I don’t normally chase rarities, but will occasionally make exceptions. When the bird is a Common Greenshank and it is appearing in nearby Forsythe NWR (=Brig), it’s not a tough decision, so today became  an official chase day. So let’s start at the beginning. Three days ago Sam Galick spotted a Common Greenshank at Brig. When the report was posted, I’m guessing that the initial response of most local birders was probably something along the lines of “That’s great. What’s a Common Greenshank?”. Well, Common Greenshank is essentially a Eurasian version of a Greater Yellowlegs, with a similar size, shape, behavior, and habitat preference. At this time of year they are distinguishable by the Common Greenshank having a whiter head and dull olive legs compared with the bright golden legs of a Yellowlegs. It is relatively common in Europe, but is incredibly rare in North America. According to the ABA blog, there are fewer than ten North American records for Common Greenshank away from Alaska. All Common Greenshanks reported in the eastern part of the continent have occurred in the Atlantic Canadian provinces, alhough there are single records each from Barbados and Bermuda. And there it was, being spotted only 37 miles from my home. How could I not look for it?

I was busy for the past two days, but the bird was spotted briefly both days, giving hope that it might hang around long enough for me to see it. Today I finally had an opening in the schedule, so I called up brother Rich and headed south. When we were only halfway out on Wildlife Drive, a text alert arrived saying that the bird was just spotted about a mile further up the road. At this point there was no need to be subtle; the signs saying 15 mph speed limit were essentially ignored and all other birds were passed by. There was a sizeable parade of cars and birders and scopes assembled on the east dike already.


This is just a small part of the crowd that lined both sides of the road along Wildlife Drive.

We took our place in line, pointed our scopes toward the impoundment, and it was pretty easy to quickly scan through the group of feeding Greater Yellowlegs and spot the bird that was different from the rest, with the whiter head and greener legs of the Common Greenshank clearly visible. The situation was tough for photos; the bird was scope-viewing distance away, and the morning was a chilly 50 degrees with 15 mph winds that caused scope shake (or was the scope shivering too??). I did manage a few documenting digiscoped photos that are barely worth posting.

Common Greenshank

Common Greenshank is in the middle, with two Greater Yellowlegs on the right. The whiter head was the most obvious feature when searching for the bird, with the duller legs serving as a nice secondary characteristic.

 Posted by at 6:00 PM
Sep 302017

juvie quiz birdThis bird was found by my nephew after a storm in Florida.
Can you identify what it is?

Click on the photo for a larger image, and click here for the answer.

 Posted by at 9:09 PM
Sep 212017

Earlier this week I stopped by Whitesbog on the way to mom’s for lunch. I was a bit early, so I had an extra half hour or so before I was expected to arrive. What do you do with an extra half hour? Go birding, of course! The nearest local hotspot is Whitesbog, so off I went for what I thought would be a quick drive-through. As I pulled into the drained bog area, I found the water at nearly-perfect levels, with ample shallow water yet with exposed flats and grassy areas. The first bird that I looked at caught my attention, even while still driving. It was too white for most shorebirds, and was out in the deeper water despite being small. I stopped the car, pulled out the bins, and found myself looking at a phalarope!

Phalarope and Yellowlegs

Phalaropes are very small shorebirds. Here it is in comparison to a nearby Greater Yellowlegs.

That was great, but now the question became which species of phalarope was it? Here in NJ, phalaropes fall into that category of birds that occur frequently enough to recognize that they are different, but I do not see them frequently enough to feel comfortable identifying them to species without checking the field guides. In terms of abundance, Wilson’s Phalarope is the most common species here in NJ, followed by Red-necked, and with Red Phalarope being a review species that should be reported to the NJ Birds Records Committee. This bird clearly was not a Wilson’s Phalarope due to the dark eye patch, so the new default was Red-necked. But the bird was moving away, preventing high-quality photos or analysis. I tried to read this bird’s mind and anticipate where it was heading, drove to the cross-dike, and found that the bird reversed direction. Arghhh. While scoping it out, however, I spotted another nice bird, American Golden-plover. Oy! Is there such a thing as rare bird overload? The problem though, was I could hear the clock ticking and could sense mom wondering where I was and why I was late, while I was unable to get any great photos or know what this bird was. I had no choice but to get into the car and drive back to the original end of the bog and hope for better photos. I couldn’t re-find the Golden-plover, so full attention fell to the phalarope. The bird quickly flew off, landing further away from where I was, but right next to the roadway. Here was my chance. I got out of the car, grabbed a few close shots, when it once again flew past me and toward the water’s edge, finally allowing ample opportunity for documenting photos. I had to leave and hope that others would re-find it.

Phalarope bill2

The mostly white bird stood out among the mostly brown shorebirds present today.

Phalarope brown wings

Like most phalaropes, it was very active, feeding at twice the speed of any other bird in the area.

Phalarope eye patch

The bill looks quite sharp and thin from this view. But notice that little bit of rusty red color on its belly. That color shouldn’t be there in a Red-necked Phalarope according to the field guides.

When I arrived at mom’s I finally had an opportunity to look at the photos. Then I became confused. This bird had far too much red on it’s belly to be a textbook Red-necked Phalarope. Could it be a Red? Look at these photos and compare it to your field guide before reading further. What do you think?

Phalarope flight

The Phalarope in flight. This was the first photo where I noticed how much of a red belly this bird had.

Phalarope wings

Here’s a nice view of the upperwings in flight.

I texted a few friends in excitement, and after lunch went back to try to re-find the bird without any time constraints. Unfortunately it was nowhere to be found (by me or by others), so all we had were the photos. So what bird are we looking at here and what are the features that we should look for when we see a phalarope at this time of year?

Phalarope partially emerging

When the bird came into the shallow water edge, more of that rusty color could be seen.

Phalarope strolling

Here we can see even more of the red belly, and get a look at its legs.

The key features to note on this bird are the black eye patch, the rusty belly, and the relatively sharp bill. As we said earlier, the black eye patch eliminates Wilson’s Phalarope. The red belly points toward Red Phalarope, but the relatively pointed bill favors Red-necked. So where does that leave us? After studying this bird and the field guides there were two options. Either my judgment of bill shape was off and this is a Red Phalarope, or the bill shape assessment was correct, and this is a stained Red-necked Phalarope. If there is one theme that I have learned in bird identification, it is that structure trumps plumage. Bird structure (size, shape, leg size, wing length, bill shape) is amazingly consistent, while plumage changes; mutations cause pigmentation issues, food choice can affect feather color, molting or feather loss results in feathers at different plumage stages, and feathers can be affected by mud or oil or staining. As one example, think back to all those Snow Geese that you see with discolored plumage on their necks or undersides.

I showed the photos to people whose opinion I trust, and everybody agreed that the bill is not blunt enough for a Red Phalarope, and they uniformly agreed that it was a stained Red-necked Phalarope.

Does staining of birds happen frequently? I already cited the example of Snow Geese, but have heard of other tough identification cases involving stained shorebirds. A quick non-exhaustive on-line search revealed a passage from a book by Scott Weidensaul where he described birds that are stained by iron oxide in the arctic mud. That would be consistent with the breeding grounds of Red-necked Phalaropes in low Arctic bogs and marshes. Another book more specifically mentions Red-necked Phalaropes in the following passage, lending support to the origin of the red color in today’s interesting bird.

Screen Shot

 Posted by at 5:19 PM
Sep 042017

Yesterday the star of the show was an American Golden-plover, but the Sedge Islands is a great location for observing and studying the terns at close quarters. We were more than entertained by them, especially the two larger tern species. First of all, the numbers were terrific, with at least 80 Royal Terns and 13 Caspian Terns. Second, one of the Royal Terns caught a fish that was probably too big for a single bird to eat or swallow, so at least two other nearby terns were displaying with their wings held in an interesting position. I would have expected that kind of begging behavior from immature birds, but the ‘begging’ birds seemed to be mature, based on their bill color. Here’s a couple photos where you can see the size of the fish and some of the displaying birds.

Royal with fish2

This Royal Tern started all the fuss by catching this fish. Notice the immature Royal Tern in the background, with the yellow bill.

Royal with fish

Two Royal Terns then started displaying like this, with their wings pulled back and downward and partially open, and its crest raised. By their bill color, this looks like an adult. The immature birds in the area weren’t displaying.

Royals displaying

Here’s another view of the display behavior. Look at that erect crest!

The most interesting aspect of the Caspian Terns was seeing some immature birds. We get plenty of immature Royal Terns, but I don’t remember ever seeing immature Caspians here, so I don’t know if they don’t show up here normally or if I have just been non-observant. Here’s two of the immature birds.

Caspian group photo

Here’s part of the group of Caspian Terns, with one Royal Tern mixed in. The sharply marked tern in the center is a clean immature Caspian Tern.

Immature Caspian

Here’s a close-up of that sharply marked immature Caspian Tern. What a gorgeous bird.

Immature Caspian 2

Here’s another immature Caspian Tern that is transitioning into a more mature uniform silvery plumage.

 Posted by at 9:48 PM
Aug 312017

It was the kind of day where I just had to go out birding. The skies were clear, the temperature was ideal (in the mid-80’s), and the winds were light and coming from the west. There HAD to be something good out there, right? And even if there wasn’t, it was a perfect day to search for them, so Jeanine and I ventured out to the Sedge Islands again.

The Sedges have been good to us this year. Every trip there yields good numbers and quality of birds at close range, and there’s always the possibility of a rarity. For me, an average day at the Sedges beats a good day almost anywhere else nearby. Today my sights were set on either American Golden-plovers, which are popping up at the sod farms in nearby counties, or on one of the really unusual terns.

We arrived later than usual, with the tide already rising. Our first pass through the main flats didn’t yield anything remarkable, with the highlight being a large gathering of 70 Royal Terns. We couldn’t turn any of them into a Sandwich Tern, like we did last week.  At the inlet it was relatively quiet, although its always nice to see a flock of around 30 Brown Pelicans (‘normal’ for the Sedges), and a scraggly Red Fox patrolling the beach, trying to figure out how to convert one of the Common Terns into a meal. Returning back to the main flats, most of the birds now were concentrated into a relatively small area as it approached high tide. The goal of finding an American Golden-plover became more realistic upon seeing a sizeable flock of Black-bellied Plovers gathered on the edge of the water.

Plover pack

Here is a portion of the gaggle of Plovers that we found today. Can you spot the American Golden-plover in the crowd? It’s in there somewhere. We’ll come back to this photo later. Notice all the plumage stages on these plovers. Click on the photo for a larger version.

Jeanine and I spotted the bird at about the same time. I don’t always know what makes a tough bird stand out, but something stood out about this bird. The Cape May school of birding would just say that it was the GISS (or ‘jizz’) of the bird. Most of the time we prefer not to see an interesting bird walking away from us when we’re working on an ID, but in this case it was very helpful, since a definitive field mark is the black undertail of the American Golden-plover compared to the white undertail of the Black-bellied Plover. That sealed the case.

Butt shot

I’m not always hoping to see the underside of a bird, but in this case it was helpful to see those remaining black splotches on the undertail.

We tried to approach closer, but the bird had a comfort zone, and as soon as we approached 10 ft closer, it ambled 10 ft further away. It was a fun game that we repeated a few times (we sneak closer, it shimmies further; we try a different direction, it goes in a different direction, etc. etc.) , but ultimately we were happy with our views and switched to being distracted by the terns (more about them tomorrow).

American Golden-plover2

The field guide view of American Golden-plover. The combination of gold, brown, and white highlights on the feathers was delightful to view in person.

American Golden-plover feeding

American Golden-plover feeding. Here you can see the undertail molting from black to white. Black-bellied Plovers have an all-white undertail.

American Golden-plover flight

American Golden-plover in flight.

Before we leave for today, it is worthwhile to compare American Golden-plover (AMGP) and Black-bellied Plover (BBPL) in more detail; what can we look for when trying to find an AMGP in a group of BBPLs? The field guides mention several field marks. American Golden-plover is a tad smaller and has a slightly smaller bill than Black-bellied Plover, but the size difference is very tough to distinguish unless you are fortunate to have a direct side-by-side comparison, and apparent size changes depending upon posture. I would consider size a secondary trait, and not one that I would use to scan through a flock.  The bill size can be particularly important when the birds have completed their molt into non-breeding plumage, but again, it would be tough to use as the primary search criterion. As we mentioned earlier, the undertail color is important, but relies upon at least some remnant of breeding plumage. If the birds are in breeding plumage, this would be a good mark to search for, but it requires that they are facing sideways or away from the birder. For example, in the photo at the top of this post, all the birds are facing into the wind towards the camera, so the undertail is not visible. In flight, the underwing pattern is definitive, but that often relies up on a fleeting glimpse. All of these field marks help. Searching for golden tones to the feathers doesn’t work for me, since that seems very lighting-dependent and plumage dependent. For example, a flock of Black-bellied Plovers at this time of year can have some individuals that look nearly gray and other that have a tinge of brown.  I think that we can all agree that in the photo below, even the Black-bellied Plover looks somewhat golden.

Plover comparison

Here’s a pretty nice side-by-side comparison of an American Golden-plover on the leftt, with the more common Black-bellied Plover. Note the slightly smaller size, smaller bill, and speckled undertail of the American Golden-plover.

So what is the best field mark to start with? For me, the quickest way to scan through a mixed flock is to search for the bird with the prominent white supercilium that highlights a darker cap. Let’s re-examine the original photo that was at the top of this blog entry. Click on the photo below for a larger version, and then scan quickly looking for that bold supercilium and see if you can find the AMGP now.

Plover pack

Can you spot the American Golden-plover in this crowd? Click on the photo to get a larger version, and look for the prominent white supercilium.

OK, in the next photo the group has shifted slightly, and the bird is now more obvious, with the spotted undertail visible and the shorter bill. See, it’s not that hard after all, is it?

Plover pack3

OK, now that it turned sideways and I added an arrow, the American Golden-plover is more obvious. Click on the photo for a larger version.

This was the first American Golden-plover reported in the county this year, and there were only two reports in 2016. So it definitely qualifies as a nice find.

 Posted by at 10:16 PM