Feb 042016

The ProAves El Dorado Reserve starts at ~5,700 ft above sea level and extends further up the ridge.  In the last entry I described some of the birds that we saw on the way up towards this location; here we’ll cover the upper reaches of the road, starting just below the reserve and working upward.  For those who might be traveling here, or who have been here before, this section has a couple landmarks; a short distance down the road from the Reserve at ~5,400 ft there is a small tienda surrounded by lovely flowering bushes called La Tienda de Las Rosas, and about half a mile or so further up the road is the Palo Alto farm/hostel, and then the start of the Reserve.  We were scheduled to stay at Palo Alto, but because it is being renovated, we stayed at the tienda, which is a tiny roadside store that has a very sparse adjacent room with 4 bunkbeds.  At first we were a bit wary of staying here, since it is not your typical vacation housing, but we had a wonderful time here as guests of  Elvira and Tonio in the middle of the forest.

Tienda view

The Tienda de los Rosas, alongside the road to San Lorenzo Ridge. The ‘store’ where they sell cheeses, jams, water, etc. is behind the bars and the door with ‘Papa Noel’. Our room is to the left of Papa Noel.

Tienda porch

Birding from the tienda porch

We stayed here two nights, walking up the road towards Palo Alto and El Dorado Preserve, or downhill. We had the best meals of our trip here, and the front of the tienda was a great place to kick back and watch the humingbirds. Hey, when you’re birding it’s about proximity, not about luxury. The flowers and feeders here are frequented by Green Violetear, Pale-bellied Hermit, Violet-crowned Woodnymph, White-sided Flowerpiercer, Rusty Flowerpiercer, and Blue-naped Chlorophonias. It also draws the occasional endemic Blossomcrown and Santa Marta Woodstar, each of which we saw here and nowhere else. The adjacent forest had guans, Channel-billed Toucanets, Santa Marta Brush-finches, White-lored Warblers, and Montane Foliage-gleaners among the highlights.

SM Woodstar

This endemic Santa Marta Woodstar was feeding in the wild poinsettas by the tienda.

WT Thrush

A White-necked Thrush that appeared while we sat on the tienda porch.

Cinnamon Flycatcher

A Cinnamon Flycatcher

Rusty Flowerpiercer

A Rusty Flowerpiercer that was competing with the more numerous White-sided Flowerpiercers by the tienda flowers.


Blue-naped Chlorphonia. Look at those brilliant colors.


Santa Marta Brush-finch. This is perhaps the most common of the Santa Marta endemics.

WL Flowerpiercer

White-sided Flowerpiercer in action.


A Blossomcrown, one of the tough endemic hummingbirds, appeared just before dark at the tienda.


Golden-olive Woodpecker. It’s not exactly rare, but it is distinctive.


A tarantula that we saw along the road during two night walks, coming out of its hole in a log.

We stayed one night at an even higher elevation (~7,700 ft), by the Telecom tower. Once again this is not your typical tourist stopping point, with a small room that contains four bunkbeds and an adjacent tiny kitchen/dining area where the Telecom employee Leonardo prepared meals for us. The views towards the central part of the Sierra Nevadas was gorgeous, with a few snow-capped peaks visible in the distance. Remember that we are only ~10 degrees north of the equator!  This highest part of the San Lorenzo Ridge is ripe with endemics and near-endemics; on a morning walk uphill from here the highlights were Santa Marta Warblers, Santa Marta Mountain-tanagers, Streak-capped and Rusty-headed Spinetails, Brown-rumped Tapaculo, Yellow-crowned Whitestarts, White-tipped Quetzals, and Golden-breasted Fruiteater. All great birds.


Yellow-crowned Whitestart. An endemic warbler that we saw at higher altitudes.

SM Warbler

Santa Marta Warbler. Another higher altitude endemic.

Quetzal male

A male White-tipped Quetzal. This was life bird #1400 for me.

Quetzal female

And here’s the female White-tipped Quetzal for comparison.


Yellow-legged Thrush

We stopped for occasional birding breaks on the way downhill to break up the monotony of the long slow drive, with our next destination being the Los Flamencos Sanctuary in the hot dry coastal Guajira region. On the way to Santuario del Los Flamencos we paused after a toll booth because some birds were perched nearby. While focusing my binocs to view a falcon, the knob of my focusing wheel broke off from the underlying focusing gear. Despite extensive efforts, the bins were useless for the rest of the trip. Luckily Sebastian had an emergency pair of 8x25s with him, so I wasn’t completely up the creek without the proverbial paddle, but from here on I will never go on a birding trip without a pair of backup bins.

Broken bins

Bins are not very useful unless you can focus them, and these bins couldn’t. Learn from me and always bring a backup pair on vacation. Zen-Ray replaced the bins no-questions-asked within a week of my returning back to the USA.

Next entry: Los Flamencos

 Posted by at 3:12 PM
Feb 022016

The Sierra Nevada mountains of Colombia are renowned in the birding world. The highest peak in this coastal mountain range lies just 28 miles from the Atlantic Ocean, yet rises to a height of 18,950 feet. The Sierra Nevadas are separated from the Andes by a wide valley, resulting in a hotbed for endemic species and a group of near-endemic species that are shared with neighboring Venezuela. The main route to access these endemic species is a road that leads from the small town of Minca (located at ~2,000 ft. elevation) up to Cerro Kennedy (~7,700 ft.) at the top of the San Lorenzo Ridge. Within this relatively short distance it is possible to observe 19 endemic bird species.

Ridge view

Morning view from near the top of the San Lorenzo Ridge. Peaks in the distance had some snow on top.

Before we get to the birds, allow me a few moments to discuss practical matters in case you are considering a trip here. First, it is generous to call the route up to Cerro Kennedy a road; it’s a road in the sense that it’s a wide unvegetated path through the forest, but don’t picture pavement or an even surface. Calling it a dirt road is more accurate but still misleading. It’s certainly the worst road that I have ever been on, requiring 4 wheel drive vehicle, enhanced clearance, a sturdy spine, and driving skills to avoid leaving car parts behind on the protruding rocks. To give you an idea of how rugged it is, near the top of the ridge above El Dorado Lodge we drove nine miles in three hours. That is a grand speed of THREE mph, which is an average human walking pace. Thankfully the road has been freshly paved up to Minca, but beyond Minca the road goes from bad to worse to will-the-vehicle-survive-this-drive. This might sound like exaggeration, but if you are going, be prepared for a rough ride and don’t be fooled by apparent short distances…a mile on that road is not equivalent to a mile on your road at home. Second, because of the road conditions, it is preferable not to travel the road more than is necessary. You certainly don’t want to drive up from Minca to El Dorado or beyond more than once despite their close proximity on a map. There are plenty of hostels in and around Minca, but at higher elevations there are not many places to stay overnight. The El Dorado Lodge currently costs more than $300 per night when rooms in comfortable hostels in Minca can be had for $20 per night, and the ProAves/EcoTurs people who run the lodge were far from cooperative. The Palo Alto hostel located about a mile below El Dorado would be a great affordable choice, but it was being renovated when we were there. So either be prepared to pay the ProAves fees or expect to rough it a bit. Finally, birding in this area is primarily road birding. That’s OK though, because it is a one-way dead-end road, so it doesn’t get much traffic in the higher reaches away from Minca. Motoscooters are the most common mode of travel, often with three family members on them due to the gas mileage and greater ease of maneuvering on the uneven road. Most of your time up here will be spent birding the road.


I don’t have great photos of the rougher sections of the road, but here is a fairly typical section.

Now on to the birds. One of the interesting things about birding this road is following the changes in species as the elevation changes. In the lower reaches, for example, Pale-breasted Thrush was common. As we drove upwards, eventually some Yellow-legged Thrush were observed, only to be replaced by Black-headed Thrushes higher up, and at the highest elevations, Great Thrush replaced the other species. Similar changes occurred in warbler species with Tennessee common near Minca, Blackburnian predominating in mid elevations, and Slate-throated and Yellow-crowned Whitestarts being found near the top. So when planning a trip here it is useful to spend time at the different elevations.


Pale-breasted Thrush, the most common thrush that we saw on this trip, especially at low-to-mid elevations.

Anticipating this distribution, our ‘plan’ was to spend two days each at low, mid, and higher elevations, but due to unexpected changes, we had only a single day of birding at the higher elevations, which is a shame because that is where the tougher endemics dwell. A few endemic species such as Santa Marta Brush-finch can be found at the lower elevations, but the tougher targets are typically found at higher elevations starting a little below the El Dorado Lodge area. If I was going to do this trip again, I would try to spend a night at the Research Station, which is considerably further uphill from the lodge. Still the birding was good. Here I’ll focus on the low-to-mid elevation section, from Minca to just below El Dorado, and in the next blog entry we’ll switch to the area around El Dorado Lodge and upwards.

We didn’t bird much in Minca itself, since our housing at this altitude was outside of town, maybe two miles up the road, at the Hotel Colonial and at the Faunal Nature Reserve. We did stop for lunch at the Minca Hotel, which hosted five hummingbird species at their feeders: Steely-vented and Rufous-tailed Hummingbirds, Black-throated Mango, White-vented Plumeleteer, and White-necked Jacobin.

While birding the road near our base at the Hotel Colonial we spotted a group of species that eventually would become commonplace on this trip: Crimson-backed Tanagers, Swallow Tanagers, Pale-breasted Thrushes, Buff-throated Saltators, Rufous-crowned Warblers, Red-crowned Woodpeckers, White-tipped Doves, and Black-chested Jays, along with some species that were less common for us: Collared Aracari, Whooping Motmot, Barred Antshrike, Keel-billed Toucan, Yellow-bellied Seedeater, White-bearded Manakin, Rufous-and-white Wren, Golden-winged Sparrows, King Vultures, Yellow-backed Orioles, Orange-billed Nightingale-thrush, Gartered Trogon, and Red-legged Honeycreepers, along with many other species.


A friendly pair of White-tipped Doves.

Swallow Tanager

A male Swallow Tanager, also a fairly common sighting on this trip.

Whooping Motmot

Whooping Motmot


Keel-billed Toucan. How can you not smile when you see one of these?

It has been interesting to see how many of the species that we normally see up in NJ also appear here.  The most common ones so far have been plenty of Prothonotary Warblers in the mangroves yesterday, and up here we are seeing good numbers of Tennessee and Blackburnian Warblers, and smaller numbers of Northern Waterthrushes, Black-and-white and Yellow Warblers, Rose-breasted Grosbeaks, and Summer Tanagers.

One morning we went birding with Sebastian on a short trail in Faunal, his small nature reserve located maybe a mile or two uphill from Hotel Colonial. Here we found a number of new species for the trip, including Long-billed Starthroat, Blue-black Grosbeak, Rufous-tailed Jacamar, Lineated Woodpecker, Streaked Saltators, and Gray-headed Tanager. We missed a Little Tinamou that was stalking through the brush and a calling Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl. A presumed Common Potoo was doing feeding runs just after dark when we were trying to locate the Night Monkeys that live on his property. Cool.


A Lineated Woodpecker seen just before breakfast at Faunal.


Streaked Saltator about to squash a small fruit.

One more comment is worth mentioning here. Our trip was not just about birds, but also for relaxation and for interacting with the local people. One day we went swimming at Pozo Azul, a very popular swimming hole in the local river. Tourists are continually walking up from Minca or taking the motoscooter ‘taxis’ up here. It must be a zoo when lots of people are there; we stopped here for a swim late one afternoon when it was fairly quiet.

Pozo Azul

The main swimming hole at Pozo Azul.

Another great episode occurred at the Hotel Colonial, where we stayed for two nights and which had hammocks outside of every room. As I was lying in my hammock one afternoon, I heard gorgeous accordion music (no that’s not an oxymoron!) coming from around the corner of the veranda. I walked over, and found Pete with two locals, one of which turned out to be an award-winning Colombian musician. We had fun with them.

GP and Alberto

Alberto Villa and a relaxed birder having some fun.

BBQ joint

Authentic roadside Llanos-style BBQ joint along the Minca road. Dinner here cost around $7.


No binoculars, no camera? It must be ‘down time’.

Next entry: The El Dorado Reserve area and above.

 Posted by at 11:28 AM
Jan 292016

We birded two sites in the Barranquilla region. Our first stop, the 4km road outside Palermo, was a location that I saw listed in eBird, with many nice species consistently reported. Its a dirt road that extends straight into a marsh with small fincas scattered on both sides. Our hotel arranged for a driver to bring us from Barranquilla and stay with us while we birded along the road for ~3 hrs. It was a mid-afternoon excursion due to our arrival time in Barranquilla, so it wasn’t optimal for birding, but we were anxious to get into the field. This road doesn’t get much use, and I’m not sure what the locals think of visitors, although we didn’t have any problems. As we soon found out, a smile, a wave, and an energetic “Buenos dias! Como esta?” goes a long way to break down barriers anywhere in Colombia. Because it was dry season (and by ‘dry’ I mean ‘dry’…no rain for nearly three months), it wasn’t so easy to find nearby water in the marsh. We did see a few nice species here, like Yellow-chinned Spinetail, White-headed Marsh-tyrant, Limpkin, Striated Heron, and many Snail Kites, and lifers like Scaled Dove, Cattle Tyrant, Russet-throated Puffbird, Bicolored Wren, and lots of distant Bare-faced Ibis. We missed hoped-for Northern Screamer, White-cheeked Pintail, and White-faced Whistling-duck. A scope would have been very useful here, but we didn’t bring one on this trip. Still, it was a nice beginning for our adventure.

Russet-throated Puffbird

A cooperative Russet-throated Puffbird

Bicolored Wren

Bicolored Wren. We saw…and heard… these guys nearly everywhere on our trip. They are very loud and very vocal.

Scaled Dove

Scaled Dove. Such a neat pattern on these birds.

The next morning we were picked up by Sebastian and brought to Parque Isla Salamanca, a coastal salt water mangrove wetland with a fairly long boardwalk. Our highlights here were a pair of Chestnut Piculets, Pied Puffbird, Common Tody-Flycatcher, Northern Scrub-Flycatcher, Black-crested Antshrike, Red-rumped Woopecker, close views of perched Brown-throated Parakeets, Black-crested Antshrike, the drab Bicolored Conebills, and Straight-billed Woodcreeper. On the non-feathered front we saw a pair of caimans and our first iguana of the trip.  We didn’t find the endemic Sapphire-bellied Hummingbird (perhaps due to the lack of many flowering plants) or Chestnut-winged Chachalaca that are often reported here.

Straight-billed Woodcreeper

Straight-billed Woodcreeper

Brown-headed Parakeet

Brown-throated Parakeet

In the afternoon we continue our drive about two hours further, past Santa Marta and up towards Minca, where we will spend the next six days exploring locations along the road up to the San Lorenzo Ridge.

The next entry: from Minca to El Dorado

 Posted by at 6:58 PM
Jan 282016

I am not a fan of cold weather, so when winter arrives here in the northeast I love heading to tropical climates to escape the frozen landscape and enjoy some warm weather birding. This year I decided to head to Colombia for the first time. Colombia hosts more bird species than any other country (>1,900 species!), but for many years was underbirded due to security issues. Although the US Department of State still issues warnings about where to go, what to do, and what NOT to do, things have stabilized substantially, and birders and birding tours are returning to Colombia. In the next few posts I will try to relay impressions from my first birding trip to Colombia.

Colombia map view

A map of the locations that we visit on this trip. Click on the image to access the Google map and to get details of each tagged location.

But perhaps it would be helpful to begin with some broad information and what we tried to do. To get a sense of perspective, Colombia is a relatively large country, slightly larger than Texas and California combined, and 4x as large as Ecuador.  In addition, it is bisected by three arms of the northern Andes (the eastern, western, and central cordilleras) each separated by wide valleys, and also contains coastline on both the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, expansive high plains (the Llanos), Amazonian lowlands, and the world’s highest coastal mountain range (the Sierra Nevada range) that is separate from the Andes. This size and geographical diversity results in biological diversity, but also creates difficulty for visitors who try to cover too much territory in too little time. So how does a birder cover all that terrain? The big name commercial birding tours that focus on maximum species numbers try to sample much of the country in a single tour, usually over a two-to-three week time frame, with lots of travel time interspersed with relatively short birding stops. That exhausting and frantic pace is not my kind of birding. So instead, my friend Pete and I decided to cover a relatively small area at a more leisurely pace, focusing on the coastal Sierra Nevada range. Commercial birding tours often offer this region as a six day extension, but we decided to cover the same area in a more leisurely twelve day time frame. We contacted Sebastian Ballesteros, a local freelance birder/guide/photographer who along with his brother David runs a small hostel and nature preserve called Faunal, located a few short miles above the town of Minca. Sebastian agreed to guide us for about half of the days and to leave us to bird by ourselves on the other days, resulting in a nice combination of guided and solo birding. Sebastian speaks English very well, which was a great help for two Americans who speak muy poquito Spanish, and provided excellent service. Our version of the ‘Santa Marta extension’ begins in Barranquilla on the Atlantic coast, we’ll spend nearly a week at different altitudes proceeding along the long rugged rocky road that climbs up from Minca to the San Lorenzo Ridge in pursuit of Santa Marta endemics, we’ll return back to the coast to bird in the dry scrub of the Guajira region, and then return for a few relaxing days in low dry forest and a final afternoon in Bogota.

Today we left behind the massive storm that delivered ~22 inches of snow to NJ a few days ago. The timing was fortunate, since there was enough time to clear away the snow and the backlog of flights, and our flights were not delayed. We caught some sleep during a long layover in the Bogota airport, and arrived in sunny Barranquilla ready for some tropical birding.

Pete airport

Pete catching some Zzzzzz’s in the Bogota airport. Proof that the man can sleep anywhere.

Next post: Let the birding begin.

 Posted by at 3:32 PM
Jun 212015

Our final day in Trinidad was spent visiting three locations: the Trincity ponds, Yerrete, and Caroni Swamp. The Trincity pond facility is a water treatment plant that is off-limits to the public, but one pond can be viewed from the roadside. This was fortunate, because a few desirable species were seen within a short time here. Circling above the pond as we arrived was a Yellow-billed Tern, shortly joined by a Large-billed Tern for a nice comparison. Also seen at this location were Purple Gallinule, Long-winged Harrier, Striated Heron, and Osprey (its nice occasionally seeing a species familiar to us!). A short drive away and we arrived at Yerrete, the home of Theo and Gloria Ferguson that they have developed as a haven for hummingbirds. The Fegusons have several dozen feeders in their small yard, which draws 13 hummingbird species on a typical day, including two (Ruby-topaz Hummingbird and Green-throated Mango) that we did not see at the Asa Wright feeders. Theo is an avid photographer of hummingbirds and provides an impressive and informative slide show of his photos for visitors. After bidding adieu to Theo, we drove to Caroni Swamp, just south of the capital of Port-of-Spain.

Large-billed Tern

Large-billed Tern, viewed during our brief stay at TrinCity Ponds.

Green-throated Mango

A Green-throated Mango, photographed in Theo’s garden in Yerrete.

Caroni Swamp is a highlight for many nature-minded travelers to Trinidad, including both birders and non-birders alike. Visitors are taken into the mangrove swamp in motorized boats that carry ~30 passengers, during that time enjoying views of unique animals such as Four-eyed Fish, Tree Boa, Silky Anteater, and Common Potoo that are pointed out by the eagle-eyed guides. Before sunset arrived, we joined five other boats moored along the edge of a large impoundment and awaited the arrival of the star of the show: Scarlet Ibises. And they do arrive, in small groups of 5, 10, or 20 birds at a time, some joining other waders in the shallows, but with most heading straight for trees on the opposite shore. A single Scarlet Ibis circling over the boat alone is a spectacular sight, with a color that is beyond what I have seen in any other bird; I don’t know what adjective is appropriate to describe a nearly constant flight of groups of 5-20 of these impressive birds. During our stay I estimated ~500 Scarlet Ibis flying in and roosting in the trees, but during the prime season, more than 1,000 are expected. It was a fitting ending to our trip, and something to look forward to when you visit.


Those Scarlet Ibises sure do brighten up a wader flock.

Masked Cardinal

A Masked (Red-crowned) Cardinal, viewed in Caroni Swamp before boarding the boat.

Ibis roost

This is just a small portion of the Scarlet Ibis roost site.

In addition to being a gorgeous bird, the Scarlet Ibis turned out to be a minor landmark, for me, being the 1,100th bird species that I have photographed. Only 900 more to get to 2,000.  Ha ha.

 Posted by at 12:49 PM
Jun 192015

Package birding tours to Trinidad often are based at Asa Wright, but include day trips to different habitats. One day trip that we took visited the combination of the Aripo Agricultural Research Station and Nariva Swamp. Aripo is an agricultural area about an hours drive southeast of Asa Wright that contains a set of grassland species that we hadn’t yet seen, including Savannah Hawk, Grassland Yellow Finch, Yellow-chinned Spinetail, Fork-tailed Flycatcher, Pied Water-tyrant, White-headed Marsh-tyrant, Red-breasted Blackbird, Pearl Kite, and the the more widely distributed Smooth-billed Anis, Wattled Jacanas and Southern Lapwings. A short drive through their property found most of those species.

Savannah Hawk

An excellent view of a Savannah Hawk, showing its characteristic long legs.

Tropical Screech-owls

A pair of Tropical Screech-Owls in a known roost site was a nice treat.

Wattled Jacana

Wattled Jacana. Look at the length of the ‘toes’ on this bird. Wow!

Our next stop, about another hour or so drive further south, was the Nariva Swamp, which is the largest freshwater wetland in Trinidad and a RAMSAR-designated Wetland of International Importance. Again, this area was surveyed by driving through and stopping occasionally, so not much walking was required today. Although June is the beginning of the wet season here in T&T, this has been a particularly dry winter, so much of the wetlands were not really…well, wet. It would be interesting to see how different the birdlife is in this location in different seasons. The target birds here include Green and American Pygmy-Kingfishers, Pinnated Bittern, Black-crested Antshrike, Pale-breasted Spinetail, Red-bellied Macaws, Yellow-headed Blackbird, Limpkin, and Yellow-headed and Crested Caracara, all of which we saw.


A female Black-crested Antshrike at the entrance to Nariva Swamp.


Part of a Pinnated Bittern that we were lucky to see in the tall grasses only because it ran across the road.

It was a day with more driving than I normally like to do, but exposure to new habitats did result in several new and interesting species.

 Posted by at 4:32 PM
Jun 162015

Most birders to Trinidad visit the Asa Wright Nature Center, situated ~1,000 ft above sea level. The Center is run by a non-profit organization with the goals of habitat preservation, education, and hosting visitors that view its birds, butterflies, plants, and animals. There are miles of trails to explore on the property, but one of the highlights of visiting Asa Wright is spending time on its verandah.

verandah outside

The famed Asa Wright verandah, viewed from within the garden. Flowers and feeders that attract hummingbirds, honeycreepers, and other birds surround the verandah, and its position on a hillside provides excellent views of the canopy of downhill trees.

Verandah birders

Birders on the verandah. This is birding in comfort, with excellent views, comfortable seats, an adjacent library and bar, naturalists to answer questions, a Leica scope for viewing distant birds, and shelter from the sun and occasional rain showers.

The verandah is situated on the back side of the main building, on a hillside that presents excellent views over the garden and canopy. In addition, more than a dozen hummingbird feeders are located at eye level or on the grounds below the verandah, and flowering plants such as vervain are located within the garden to attract hummingbirds. The result is that the verandah is a wonderful location for observing tanagers, honeycreepers, toucans, oropendolas, and ~13 species of hummingbirds in splendidly relaxing conditions. In addition, if a shower occurs, you can continue to view birds while remaining dry and comfortable (perhaps with a rum punch in your hand).

Green Honeycreeper

A male Green Honeycreeper drawn to flowering trees near the verandah.

Purple Honeycreeper

A stunning male Purple Honeycreeper, a common sight by the verandah fruit feeder stations.

Yellow Oriole

A Yellow Oriole that occasionally visited the verandah gardens.

Emerald fanned out

Blue-chinned Sapphire, a bird whose irridescence has to be witnessed in person.

Tegu lizard

Two-foot long Golden Tegu Lizards were occasionally seen on the grounds.

THE TRAILS: An excellent way to sample the birds of the forest is to walk the Asa Wright Discovery Trail, which is less than a mile long, and thus can be walked out and back at a leisurely pace in ~ 1 1/2 hours. Leks for both Golden-hooded and White-bearded Manakins are located along this trail, each of which had numerous individuals that were very active through most of the day.


White-bearded Manakin in full display mode. Dozens of these birds could be seen at any time of day along the Discovery Trail.

When walking towards the manakin leks, you will be hearing loud ‘bonk’-ing coming from downhill; these are the calls of Bearded Bellbirds. Thankfully, the Bellbirds do not exclusively dwell on the top of canopy, but instead seem to prefer mid-height in the forest, allowing reasonable views. that is, IF you can find them. You would think that it should be easy; they are incredibly loud, call incessantly, are around the size of a crow, and are mostly white. Yet somehow they remain difficult to see. But when you see them, it is wonderful. Standing in the forest, listening to this strange noise echoing from all directions, and finally finding this remarkably attired bird (complete with ‘beard’) is something that we all should experience. This is now my favorite bird of all time. Watch the video by clicking here and decide for yourself.


Bearded Bellbird. Its surprising how hard it can be to find this amazing bird. But what a treat it is to see…and hear…it.


 Posted by at 4:24 PM
Jun 152015

Most birding tours to Trinidad and Tobago visit Tobago for only 2-3 days, and indeed, three days is sufficient for most birders to find the key target species of the island. Today was our day to transfer to Trinidad for 6 nights based at the Asa Wright Nature Center. On the way to the airport we drove through two areas that were hoped to contain new species for our trip; the Magdalena Grand Resort grounds and the Bon Accord drainage ditches. The resort charges birders for complete access to their grounds, but drive-through of a portion of the grounds is possible. Here we found species such as Least Grebe, Black-bellied Whistling-ducks, Black-crowned Night-herons, Tricolored herons, and Black Skimmers, but no new lifers. We next drove through the Bon Accord area, which contains drainage ditches and wet areas within a housing development that can contain species such as White-cheeked Pintail and Masked Duck, but it was here that we found a different rarity, a Western Reef-heron. This bird had been seen in the area earlier this year, but with no recent reports. Western Reef-heron looks a bit like a Great Blue Heron but with a white throat and greenish feet. It is fairly easily recognized even from a distance by its intermediate size between Little Blue and Great Blue Herons. What a great find to end our stay in Tobago!

Western Reef-Heron. Note the white throat and yellowish legs.

Western Reef-Heron. Note the white throat and greenish feet.

After our flight back to Trinidad and a ~1 hr drive up into the highlands, we arrive at the renowned Asa Wright Nature Center just in time for their traditional nightly 6pm rum punch. Yum yum. Asa Wright is situated ~1,000 ft above sea level in the upper Arima Valley, in preserved mid-level rain forest. After a good night’s sleep we’ll be ready to explore the Center’s trails tomorrow morning.

 Posted by at 8:14 PM
Jun 142015

A pair of Brown Boobies on the shoreline of Little Tobago Island.

One of the highlights of birding Tobago is a short boat trip to view nesting seabirds on Little Tobago Island, located just 2 miles across Batteau Bay from our lodging at Blue Waters Inn. In fact, hints of what was in store could be observed with binocs or scope from the inn, where Laughing Gulls, assorted Terns, Brown Noddies, Magnificent Frigatebirds, and occasional Brown Pelicans were feeding constantly over the water. The day was windy, so entrance into our boat was quite scary, timing our entry as the boat rose to the level of the dock in the swells. As we approached Little Tobago, we spotted a major target species for this trip, as a few Red-billed Tropicbirds were soaring with their central tail feathers protruding far beyond the body. Near shoreline, the boat was positioned parallel to a rocky portion where Brown Noddies, Sooty Terns, Bridled Terns, and Brown Boobies all were roosting.



Exit onto the island at their ‘dock’ (I’m using that term lightly…it was really just a wet stone wall protruding into the shallows) was even more scary; picture timing a step out of the rocking boat onto a wet rock wall as a swell lifts the boat upward, and then walking on this relatively narrow and slippery rock face as waves are splashing alongside. The crew was experienced at this sort of thing though, and everyone managed just fine. After a ~15 minute walk up a trail with occasional stops to rest and hear about the history of the island, we reached an overlook that was the highlight of the day, with multiple Red-billed Tropicbirds soaring above, at, and below eye level.  Wow.
Red-billed Tropicbird As I was snapping photos, I noticed one bird with a yellow bill that I assumed would be an immature Red-billed Tropicbird, but upon later viewing, turned out to be a White-tailed Tropicbird. Upon submitting the sighting to eBird, I was informed that although they are seen here annually, this was the first one sighted on Little Tobago this year!

A White-tailed Tropicbird. Note the yellow bill and black patches on the secondaries. Although they are seen here annually, I was later told that this was the first one sighted on Little Tobago this year.

A White-tailed Tropicbird. Note the yellow bill and black patches on the secondaries.

It was the icing on a wonderful day. On the way back we took a break from birding and stopped at a sheltered location for a few minutes of snorkeling.

 Posted by at 9:42 PM
Jun 132015

Blue-backed Manakin

On our first full day in Tobago, we join our guide Gladwyn James to explore the Main Ridge Forest Preserve, an expanse of rain forest that covers much of the central portion of northeast Tobago. Interestingly, it has been legally protected since 1776, making it the world’s oldest established preserve. A single road that is not heavily used traverses the preserve from north-to-south, providing ample opportunity for frequent roadside stops, and occasional trails allow access to deeper forest. This area is home to Blue-backed Manakin and the endemic White-tailed Sabrewing, two of the specialties of Tobago. We were able to find both of these species, along with other delightful birds.

A pair of Rufous-tailed Jacamars

A pair of Rufous-tailed Jacamars

Southern Lapwings can be found in many locations within Trinidad and Tobago, but this individual was particularly cooperative.

Southern Lapwings can be found in many locations within Trinidad and Tobago, but this individual was particularly cooperative.

A pair of Black-throated Mango chicks.

A pair of Black-throated Mango chicks.

Orange-winged Parrot, the most common parrot on the islands.

Orange-winged Parrot, the most common parrot on the islands. We saw or heard flocks of them every day on this trip.


 Posted by at 5:38 PM