Beginners Quiz #1
For Beginners
This quiz is designed for beginning birders of all ages. In this quiz your first goal is simply to identify the family that the quiz bird belongs to. If you know the correct species name, that is even better. When you select the correct answer, the full name of the species will be revealed.
Question 2 |
A | A Finch Hint: Good answer! The conical bill indicates this is a finch. The red color in the head is typical for a male House Finch. |
B | A Sparrow |
C | A Jay |
D | A Cardinal Hint: Male Cardinals would be all red, not just having a red head, and would not have white on the wings. |
E | A Warbler Hint: Warblers have narrower, pointy bills. |
Question 3 |
A | A Blackbird Hint: Yes. This is a Red-Winged Blackbird. |
B | A Robin |
C | An Oriole |
D | A Crow |
E | A Tanager |
Question 4 |
A | A Cardinal Hint: This is a male Northern Cardinal, one of the most distinctive common birds to identify due to its bright red color, black mask, and colorful conical bill. |
B | A Woodpecker |
C | A Sparrow |
D | A Warbler |
E | A Tanager Hint: Some tanagers are nearly all red, but they don't have the black mask that this bird has. |
Question 5 |
A | A Warbler |
B | A Thrush |
C | A Chickadee Hint: Yes! This is a Black-capped Chickadee. |
D | A Finch |
E | A Sparrow |
Question 6 |
A | A Vulture Hint: The lack of feathers on the head indicates that this is a vulture. The all-black color, especially on the head indicates that this is a Black Vulture. |
B | An Osprey Hint: Osprey has a white head with a black facial mask. |
C | A Heron |
D | A Hawk |
E | An Eagle |
Question 7 |
A | A Warbler |
B | A Tanager |
C | A Woodpecker Hint: Yes. This is a beautiful adult male Red-headed Woodpecker, one of our less-common woodpeckers. The long bill and feeding posture are typical of woodpeckers. |
D | A Finch |
E | A Wren |
Question 8 |
A | A Vulture |
B | A Crane |
C | An Eagle Hint: This bird can be confused with a Bald Eagle, but unlike a mature Bald Eagle, its tail is dark and it has a black face mask. |
D | An Osprey Hint: Excellent! The Osprey is a raptor that hunts for fish in ponds, lakes, and along the sea coast. It is very large, looks somewhat like a bald eagle, but with a black face mask. |
E | A Stork |
Question 9 |
A | An Eagle |
B | A Stork |
C | A Goose |
D | A Heron Hint: This is the Great Blue Heron, a very large bird that can be found in ponds, marshes, and along the seashore. |
E | An Ibis |
Question 10 |
A | A Pheasant |
B | A Bobwhite Hint: Excellent! This is a Northern Bobwhite. |
C | A Turkey |
D | An Owl |
E | A Peacock |
Question 11 |
A | An Owl |
B | A Vulture |
C | An Eagle Hint: The all-white head and tail indicates that this is a mature Bald Eagle. Immature bald eagles do not have the white head or tail. |
D | A Falcon |
E | An Osprey Hint: An Osprey would have a black mask across the face and a dark tail. |
Question 12 |
A | A Finch Hint: This handsome and showy bird is an American Goldfinch. |
B | A Tanager |
C | A Warbler Hint: The bill is too conical for a warbler. |
D | A Sparrow |
E | An Oriole |
Question 13 |
A | A Duck |
B | A Razorbill |
C | A Puffin Hint: Correct! This is an Atlantic Puffin. |
D | A Pelican |
E | A Goose |
Question 14 |
A | A Gull Hint: Yes. This is an adult Ring-billed Gull, well-named due to the black ring around its bill. This is our most common mid-sized gull. |
B | An Egret |
C | A Duck |
D | A Goose |
E | A Tern |
Question 16 |
A | A Bluebird Hint: Although our bird is mostly blue, it is not the in the group of species called 'Bluebirds'. |
B | A Cardinal Hint: A Cardinal would be mostly red. |
C | A Crow Hint: Crows are black. |
D | A Nuthatch |
E | A Jay Hint: This is our common Blue Jay, a bird that has many types of 'songs', often found in small flocks calling to each other. |
Question 18 |
A | A Tern |
B | A Gull |
C | A Pheasant |
D | A Dove Hint: Although usually just called a called a 'pigeon', the official name of this common bird found in city parks is Rock Dove. |
E | A Grouse |
Question 19 |
A | An Eagle |
B | A Turkey |
C | A Hawk Hint: Correct. This is a Red-tailed Hawk, perhaps our most common hawk. We can see a bit of the red tail in this adult. |
D | A Vulture |
E | A Grouse Hint: Look at the bill. It is not grouse-like. |
Question 20 |
A | A Toucan Hint: Great answer! This is a Keel-billed Toucan. They are not found in North America, but they are easy to identify by the extremely long colorful bill. |
B | A Parrot |
C | A Parakeet |
D | A Cockatoo |
E | An Oriole |
Question 21 |
A | A Parakeet |
B | A Dove Hint: This is a Mourning Dove, which can often be heard softly cooing in the morning. Its wings 'whistle' when it flies. |
C | A Thrush |
D | A Sparrow |
E | A Hawk Hint: The bill is not correct for a hawk. |
Question 23 |
A | A Swallow |
B | A Woodpecker |
C | A Warbler |
D | A Hummingbird Hint: This is the tiny Ruby-throated Hummingbird, the most common hummingbird in the eastern US. Only adult males have the rich ruby throat. |
E | A Finch Hint: The long bill of this bird is wrong for a finch. |
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