Geographic Bird Trivia #2 Answer


The question was:

What are the ten North American bird species that have ‘first names’ that are the same as US states? (not counting California or Hawaii). 

Eight of them are shown below (along with one ‘bonus’ answer species that kind of counts). Embarrassingly, I don’t have photos of the two remaining ‘state’ species.

Louisiana Waterthrush

Kentucky Warbler

Tennessee Warbler

Florida Scrub-jay

Connecticut Warbler

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Mississippi Kite

Virginia Rail

Carolina Wren. (OK, I know that ‘Carolina’ is technically not a state, but the judges accept this answer)

Carolina Chickadee. (Once again, the judges accept this answer)

Virginia’s Warbler. Sorry, but the judges do not officially accept this answer. There is that annoying apostrophe in its official name, and that’s because Virginia’s Warbler was named after a woman, not the state.

The remaining ‘state’ bird is  Arizona Woodpecker. Sorry, but I don’t have any photos of that species.

 Posted by at 3:05 PM