Intermediate Quiz #3
Intermediate Quiz #3
Question 1 |
A | Yellow Warbler Hint: Yellow Warbler is yellow both on its upperparts and lowerparts. |
B | Nashville Warbler Hint: Nashville Warbler has a bold eye ring and is yellow below, but does not have the black necklace of this bird. |
C | Yellow-throated Warbler Hint: Yellow-throated Warbler has a white belly, with black streaks on its flanks, and lacks the 'necklace' of this bird. |
D | Magnolia Warbler Hint: Magnolia Warbler also has a 'necklace' on a background of yellow undersides, but its necklace is bolder and streaks along its flanks. Magnolia also has a black eye mask. |
E | Canada Warbler Hint: Well done. Canada Warbler is easily identified by the black necklace and the bold eye ring. |
Question 2 |
A | Great Blue Heron Hint: Great Blue Heron never has a red neck and lacks the bi-colored bill. |
B | Little Blue Heron Hint: Little Blue Heron is all blue as adults, all white as juveniles. |
C | Tri-colored Heron Hint: Although young Tricolored Herons have a bluish-gray body and rufous neck, it would never have a bill with a pink base like this bird has. |
D | Great Egret Hint: Great Egret is all white. |
E | Reddish Egret Hint: Yes. The gray body, red neck, and especially the bi-colored bill with the pink base are characteristics of adult Reddish Egret. |
Question 3 |
A | Northern Parula Hint: Well done. The yellowish-green patch on its gray back, yellow throat, and light gray belly point to Northern Parula. |
B | Yellow-throated Warbler Hint: Yellow-throated Warbler also has a yellow throat and white belly like this bird, but has a black facial pattern and black streaks along its flanks. |
C | Virginia's Warbler Hint: Virginia's Warbler has yellow on its breast, not on its neck and lacks any wing bars. |
D | Blue-winged Warbler Hint: Blue-winged Warbler has all-yellow undersides and head, with a black eye line. |
E | Yellow-throated Vireo Hint: Yellow-throated Vireo has a longer, stubbier bill and a bight yellow head, neck, and breast with a yellow eye ring. |
Question 4 |
A | Eared Grebe Hint: Yes. A breeding plumage adult Eared Grebe has the wispy yellow ear tufts and bright red eye on a jet black head with a crest. |
B | Bufflehead Hint: Male Bufflehead has a mostly white body and a distinctive large white patch on the upper rear quadrant of its head. |
C | Least Grebe Hint: Least Grebe is mostly gray, with a bright yellow eye. |
D | Horned Grebe Hint: Horned Grebe has a fuller, more solid golden tuft compared to the thin tuft seen here. |
E | Black Scoter Hint: Black Scoter has a bulbous yellow knob on a typical duck-shaped bill. |
Question 5 |
A | Nashville Warbler Hint: Nashville Warbler has a strong eye ring, but has a smaller bill and completely yellow undersides. |
B | American Redstart Hint: Female American Redstart also has a gray head and some yellow on its flanks, but has a smaller bill and doesn't have the obvious eye ring. |
C | Virginia's Warbler Hint: Virginia's Warbler also has an eye ring and is mostly gray, but has a pointier bill, and yellow on its breast, not on its flanks. |
D | Philadelphia Vireo Hint: Philadelphia Vireo has a yellow throat and no wing bars, and lacks the eye ring of this bird. |
E | Blue-headed Vireo Hint: Excellent! The bold white eye ring is our first big clue, followed by the dark bluish-gray head and yellowish-green flanks. |
Question 6 |
A | Fox Sparrow Hint: Well done! Fox sparrow has several color variations, with this red variant being most common in the eastern US. The handsome combination of reddish streaks and extensive gray patches on the face is distinctive. |
B | Hermit Thrush Hint: Hermit Thrush is dull brown above, has black spots on its breast, and has a longer bill. |
C | Field Sparrow Hint: Field Sparrow does not have any streaks. |
D | Song Sparrow Hint: Song Sparrow typically has brown streaks. |
E | Wood Thrush Hint: Wood Thrush has bold black spots on its undersides and a bold eye ring, and and is orange on its upperparts without any gray. |
Question 7 |
A | Whimbrel Hint: Whimbrel has a longer and downcurved bill. |
B | Solitary Sandpiper Hint: Solitary Sandpiper has a darker appearance due to smaller spots on its dark wings, and has legs that are not bright yellow. |
C | Greater Yellowlegs Hint: Greater Yellowlegs is bulkier, with a slightly longer bill. |
D | Lesser Yellowlegs Hint: Yes. The long bright yellow legs, sleek body and needle-like bill are indicative of Lesser Yellowlegs. |
E | Marbled Godwit Hint: Marbled Godwit has a slightly upturned bill and dark legs. |
Question 8 |
A | Common Goldeneye Hint: Don't let the color of the eye on this bird fool you. Among other differences, Common Goldeneye has a less elongated, conical bill. |
B | Ring-necked Duck Hint: Ring-necked Duck has a gray bill that is less elongated, with a gray body in adult males. |
C | Wood Duck Hint: Male Wood Ducks are elaborately multi-colored, with a bright orange bill in males. |
D | Hooded Merganser Hint: Yes. The black crest with the large white patch combined with the obvious yellow eye point to an adult male Hooded Merganser. |
E | Common Merganser Hint: Among other differences, Common Mergansers do not have any black on the head, have a dark eye, and bright orange bill. |
Question 9 |
A | Pacific Loon Hint: Pacific Loon has a gray head and a much smaller bill for a loon. |
B | Black Scoter Hint: Black Scoter is all black, with a bulbous yellow knob on its bill. |
C | Common Goldeneye Hint: Common Goldeneye has a distinctive round white cheek patch, and its body is mostly white. |
D | Common Eider Hint: Male Common Eiders are mostly white on the head, breast, and back, unlike this bird. Try again. |
E | Common Loon Hint: Yes. Adult Common Loon in breeding plumage has an all-black head and bill with a checkered back |
Question 10 |
A | American Robin Hint: American Robin does not have spots on the belly. |
B | Hermit Thrush Hint: Hermit Thrush has a duller back with a contrasting rufous tail. |
C | Wood Thrush Hint: Excellent. This was a tough question with several potentially confusing species. The bright orange upperparts and bold spotting point to Wood Thrush. |
D | Brown Thrasher Hint: Brown Thrasher has a much longer bill and long tail |
E | Veery Hint: Veery has the orangey uppersides, but that color extends to the face, and it doesn't have the dark spots of this bird. |
Question 11 |
A | Blackpoll Warbler Hint: Excellent. The black cap and streaked flanks, combined with bright yellow legs are typical for adult male Blackpoll Warbler. |
B | Ovenbird Hint: Ovenbird has brown upperparts and a rufous crown patch. |
C | Black-throated Gray Warbler Hint: Black-throated Gray Warbler has a black throat, not the white throat of this bird. |
D | Cerulean Warbler Hint: Cerulean Warbler has blue upperparts and crown. |
E | Black-and-white Warbler Hint: Black-and-white Warbler does not have a uniform black cap and is more heavily streaked on its undersides. |
Question 12 |
A | Least Tern Hint: Yes. A delicate little tern with a distinctive sleek yellow biil and yellow legs |
B | Common Tern Hint: Adult Forster's Tern has an orangey-red bill with a black tip. |
C | Forster's Tern Hint: Adult Forster's Tern has an orange bill with a black tip. |
D | Sandwich Tern Hint: Sandwich Tern has black legs and a black bill with a yellow tip. |
E | Arctic Tern Hint: Arctic Tern has a red bill and red legs. |
Question 13 |
A | Northern Gannet Hint: Well done! Northern Gannet is nearly all-white with the yellowish wash on the head and the silvery blue bill. |
B | Northern Fulmar Hint: Northern Fulmar has a completely white head, with a completely different bill. |
C | Masked Booby Hint: Masked Booby has a yellow bill and lacks the yellowish wash on its head. |
D | Blue-footed Booby Hint: Blue-footed Booby has brighter blue feet and is not all-white like this bird. |
E | American White Pelican Hint: American White Pelican has a large yellow bill and yellow feet. |
Question 14 |
A | Yellow-breasted Chat Hint: Yellow-breasted Chat has extensive yellow on the breast, but is dirty olive on the head and back. |
B | Yellow Warbler Hint: Yellow Warbler does not have blue-gray wings. |
C | Yellow-throated Warbler Hint: Yellow-throated Warbler has black streaks on its flanks and black facial pattern. |
D | Yellow-throated Vireo Hint: Yellow-throated Vireo has a stubbier bill and is not as radiantly yellow as this bird. |
E | Prothonotary Warbler Hint: Yes. The extensive yellow head and undersides points to Prothonotary Warbler. |
Question 15 |
A | Caspian Tern Hint: Caspian Tern does not have black wings, and its bill is shorter and all red. |
B | Black Oystercatcher Hint: Black Oystercatcher is all black with a completely orange bill and a distinctive orange eye ring. |
C | Black Skimmer Hint: Yes. The bill of the Black Skimmer, with the much longer lower mandible, is unforgettable and distinctive. |
D | American Oystercatcher Hint: American Oystercatcher has a bill that is completely orange, with an all-black head and neck and a distinctive orange eye ring. |
E | Black Turnstone Hint: Black Turnstone is a very different shorebird, with very little white on its head, and having a short all-black bill. |
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