Slideshow Quizzes


These quizzes present the birds in a simple slideshow, without any extra clues, just like real birding. There are no scores in the slideshow quizzes; it’s just a way to hone your birding skills, without having to leave the house! Start by choosing one of the categories shown below. Within the quiz, look at the bird carefully, think about the identification points (size, shape, bill, plumage pattern, etc.), and decide which species you think it is. To get the most out of these quizzes, don’t rush, and don’t be shy about using a field guide if necessary. When you’re ready, click on the photo to reveal the answer.

North American Bird Family Quizzes



Bird quizzes from specific locations

The following quizzes are a great way to familiarize yourself with the local targets before taking a birding vacation to these locations.


More to come. Stay tuned!

 Posted by at 8:08 AM