Apr 292018

OK, here’s a bird trivia question for you. I recently saw a Song Sparrow singing its heart out. My mind takes weird turns sometimes, and for some reason I was struck that the first and last parts of its common English name began with the same letter, and I wondered how many other birds that appear in NJ in a typical year fit that description. I looked it up, and found 22 species. So how many of these annual NJ birds can you name whose first and last names begin with the same letter? Take your time answering. Give it a day or so, make a list, and see if you can get more than 15 species without any help from the internet or your field guide.

After you have reached your limit, click here for my full list.

Song sparrow

Song Sparrow, one of the 22 NJ bird species whose first and last commmon English names begin with the same letter.

 Posted by at 10:55 AM